Wounded Warriors


Everyday a hometown young man or woman makes a decision to become the most valuable patriot assets of America, volunteering to join the United States Armed Forces. For what ever their individual reasons they felt compelled.

On January 19, I took a group of men from Wounded Warriors.  Last summer I was talking to a gentleman about the Wounded Warrior program. After a short conversation he gave me contact information for a guy named Dominic. I called Dominic and we set up the first of many fishing trips. He wanted to "put the troops up" for a night, feed them dinner the night before and send them up with lunches while we were fishing.

I contacted the Westerner motel (970) 887-2093 and they donated the rooms for 3 people for the remainder of our trips. Mavericks Grill (970) 887-9000 donated dinners and City Market is donating lunches. They never hesitated, they were more then willing to. The weather has been terrible at best and the forecast was for more of the same. I hooked up 3 Clam Voyagers, 3 Vexilars and my Strikemaster auger then off we went.

Each of the troops caught large fish, rode snowmobiles and had a great time. I have always thought I am the luckiest person alive to do what I do, I am even more fortunate to be involved with these great people.


I wanted to just say thank you for a great day and for our community to come together and their support!